The Management of the Aarushi Global School community makes every effort to provide a creative, supportive and positive environment to the students. There is no spoon-feeding in our school. Students, who get the most out of Aarushi Global School, will be those who are willing to invest most in terms of interest, commitment and energy.
The challenge will not be narrowly academic. Aarushi Global School provides opportunity for students to develop their talent on the sports field, the theatre stage, the concert platform, the art and dance studios and the technology workshop.
Differentiate the Material to Challenge our Students
When creating lesson plans, we find ways to differentiate the lessons and the materials. Keeping in mind that each child is different will help you to create great and challenging lesson plans. We find different ways to teach the lesson that could incorporate all learning styles and provide more learning to those who have already mastered the content.
“Differentiate the material. It’s more work for you but better for them. Show them how it applies to real life and do other broader activities on the same subject.” –Kandi K.
Connect the Material to Real-Life Circumstances to Challenge Your Students
When we have a child that is bored and distracted, find ways we can to relate the content to real life. School and education should help prepare children for things that life throws their way. Presenting a scenario that relates to the content presented will provide further learning opportunities. This keeps our student challenged and eager for more.
“[Promote learning] by showing them the ‘real-world’ applications of what they have learned. Make it relevant.” – Vernon L.
Challenge Your Students by Applying Their Learning Styles
As aforementioned, each child learns differently. When we take that into consideration, we can help challenge those that have become bored in class. If a student is a kinesthetic learner, they may enjoy building a model that relates to the content. If they are a musical learner, they may set information from the lesson and turn it into a song or rap. Teaching is full of creative opportunities that help the children to become the best learners they can be.
“Apply their knowledge according to their learning style: science experiment, make their own book, design a restaurant, etc.” – Teresa P.
Challenge Your Students by Tying in the Next Lesson
Often times, a child finds it difficult to stay interested when they have already completed the learning for the concurrent lesson. Some children strive when new materials are presented to them. Others, however, need more of a challenge. When possible, take a glance at the upcoming lessons and see how you can tie it into what we are teaching. Provide them with opportunities to get to that next point to prepare them for what’s to come. Just because they mastered one lesson quickly doesn’t always mean the next lesson will come as easy.
“Provide open-ended or differentiated tasks. Look to the next check point/level and give them the opportunities to try and get there.” – Kherrie Anne
Challenge Your Students to Help You Teach
Many children enjoy the opportunities to be placed in a position in which they feel needed and helpful. If a student in a classroom is bored and distracting, find ways we can use that student to help his/her classmates. Create a student-mentor/tutor program in your classroom in which students are able to provide their input to their classmates. Allow the child to work with a peer that mildly understand the material but needs a little push to get there. We also supervise to ensure that he/she is helping correctly.
“[I promote learning with] peer leaders/tutors or have the student be my teacher helper to demonstrate their thinking.” – Sarah N.
Continue to Push and Challenge Your Students Always!
When we continually challenge and push our students to succeed beyond their potential, we are setting them up for great success in their futures. Find ways that you can implement higher-learning programs in your school and in your classroom. Just as every student is different, every teacher is different. Talk with teachers around you and find out what they do in their classrooms.
“We have ‘WIN’ time. (What I need). This is when I push them forward and challenge them.” – Brigitte F.
Many people look back to their school days and say that their favorite teachers were the ones who helped them to be the best they could be. We have Fun Teaching that each one of you have the potential to be that teacher!