To achieve the mission of providing a complete and holistic education, we incorporate the wisdom of 5C’s in our day to day practices. Children’s attitudes are developed towards the same.


Inculcating and encouraging the spirit of inquiry to acquire new knowledge with passion


Helping students recognize their core skills and competencies with state- of- the- art tools, techniques and knowledge


Encouraging students to communicate and express while nurturing self-discipline and self confidence


Inculcating a sense of care and share, with humility, intercultural understanding and mutual respect


Fostering leadership qualities and value judgment.

Our Curriculum are designed based on STAR methodology

Aarushi's unique STAR (S-Synthesis, T-Thinking, A-Analysis, R-Reasoning) curriculum designed on the principles of Bloom’s taxonomy and Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences is taught through a single text book written in simple language. The units, themes and chapters are designed to motivate, facilitate and consolidate learning which is kept entirely learnercentric.

Exposure to the world of science and technology through interactive sessions with eminent practitioners and experts is ensured through our Outreach programmes. We believe these will enhance the student’s ability to make informed choices.