Attendance at Tests and Examinations is compulsory. Malpractices in examinations will be viewed seriously. Offenders will be marked zero and they are likely to be suspended / expelled. The student is expected to pass in all the subjects with a minimum of 33% in both periodic & Yearly assessment for promotion to the next class. 80% of attendance is compulsory to attend the final examination. The Students will be assessed in
Classes 1 to 3 regular testing (No formal Examination)
Classes 4 to 8 Divided in two terms.
(Each term of 80 marks half yearly/ Yearly + 20 marks for periodic assessment).
Periodic Assessment is based on Periodic test, note book submission & Subject Enrichment Activity.
Classes 9 to 10
80 marks Board Examination covering 100% syllabus of each subject
20 marks Internal Assessment including 10 marks Periodic Test
5 marks for note book Submission
5 marks Subject Enrichment Activity
CO-SCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES: (Grades will be given)
Work education
Art Education
Health and Physical Education
Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviour, Values